“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” Anne Lamott
Click on any image to read the document:
Brad's Email requesting help
Our Baptism 3.29.2015
Brad's email 1.12.16
L's response 1.12.16
Becky's email 1.16.16
L's email to council + 1.24.16
1.25.16 emails Paula and me
1.25.16 Becky's email, L's response
L's email to David Schultz 2.1.16
Becky's email 2.4.16, L's reply
L's Statement sent prior to closed Council meeting 2.6.16
D. Schultz email 2.19.16
Kukuk's 3.1.16 email to L
L's 3.2. email & K. McClintock's reply
emails between L and Kukuk 3.1 - 3.5.16
L's 3.4 response to K. McClintock's & reply
Kukuk's mandatory homework ass.
Reply to Kukuk's homework assignment
3.28.'16. Ashland Daily Tidings
Gag Order
4.1.16 Covenant
Rev. Kukuk & Becky's response to group appeal
Lucy Edward's email to Council 6.14
The Call for a Special Congregational Meeting
Nonsense Annual Report Addendum
back side of nonsense Annual Report Addendum
Becky Martin insists on chairing Special Congregational Meeting
7.16.16 email L sent prior to Special Congregational Meeting, with Overview attached
Daniel's Overview for the 7.17 Special Congregational Meeting
Prejudicial Agenda (front side)
Prejudicial Agenda (back side)
Rev. Kukuk's withdrawal +
Kate Geary's email 7.19.16
Kate Geary's email ending mediation
Read emails starting at 7.26 at bottom
9.14.16 L's email to Walter John Boris
9.18.16 L's email to John Love
9.20.16 email from John Love refusing further communication
9.23 L's email to Rev. Elizabeth Dilley
9.26 email from Rev. E Dilley
9.26 L responds to Rev. E. Dilley
10.4 email from Walter John Boris excusing Rev. Kukuk's behavior at the Special Congregational Mtg
10.4 L responds to Walter John. Disgusted
10.6 16 email from Paula Sohl, L's reply.
10.7.16 Daniel's email to Walter John Boris
10.7.16 Request for a Fitness Review for Rev. Kukuk