Community L's words.

On January 2nd we received a letter dated November 17, 2017 from Laurie True.  

It is called “an open letter”.  In it John Love, the current Moderator of the council at Ashland UCC, asserts many dishonest things (which I address in my response to John, below).  But, first I want to extend an apology to the community for toxic messages promoted by Ashland United Church of Christ. 

Ashland UCC should be sorry for perpetuating lies designed to breed baseless fear in the community.  

In John Love’s open letter he writes:

“They have accused staff and congregants of “corruption,” of being a “fascist church,” “unethical,” “publicly dishonest,” “abusive,” an “exercise in hypocrisy,” and so on.  One has verbally attacked and physically intimidated members of our congregation in a variety of public settings—a coffee shop, the Growers’ Market, and on public sidewalks.”

The first sentence is the most honest of the letter.  The second sentence however is potent with deceit.  It is designed to create fear.   This goes to the very heart of the injustice and destruction of community that is the foundation of Rev. Kukuk’s ministry and the deceitful spirit that is spreading into the larger community from Ashland UCC.  

Let me assure everyone reading this that I am intentionally and thoroughly committed to non-violence.  I do not and have not resorted to physical violence or intimidation. 

I believe that John used the term “physically intimidated” to breed hysteria.    I don’t think that at 5’4’’ my silver haired, asking of questions, was actually physically intimidating.  I do believe that people felt put on the spot, when I called them on their behaviors.  The idea that Daniel and I are violent is a cover that church leadership likes to promote to hide the ethical misconduct of their minister and her policies.   I realize now that they have promoted an idea that it is criminal for me to talk to anyone I used to go to church with.   Just because church people want to believe it, speaking to someone and harassment are not the same thing.  

Let me cut through the b.s. and be perfectly clear: I take personal responsibility for my actions and behaviors and it is not in my nature to escalate conflict.   I am consciously in touch with my genuine aggression and I find productive ways to channel it (this site for example).

Non violence is an ethic that both Daniel and I live by.   Our exhaustive efforts at civil discourse with church leadership are documented on this site and were always rejected.  No one has to fear physical violence from us, or any kind of “unwarranted attack”.   That is a story made up by church clergy and council to justify their shunning, amputation and banning their scapegoats.    The story concocted by Rev. Kukuk and furthered now by so many, has no basis in reality. It simply benefits their minister for the community to be afraid of us. Let that sink in.  John Love seems to operate from the position that whatever Rev. Kukuk wants, she should get.   

I am aware that using language like “attack” and “physical intimidation” breed fear and contempt in the community and that no church should be involved in introducing such groundless, destructive thoughts into the collective consciousness.  But Ashland UCC, has entirely lost it’s way.  Warning community to this sad reality is the point of this entire site.  

Rest assured community: There is nothing to fear from the amputated scapegoats, unless you fear illumination.  We are so very sorry that you have been led to believe otherwise.   That was wrong.  

Committed to Jesus’ Third Way:

L Citizen & Daniel Sperry