A few weeks ago I happened upon an old friend who still attends the Ashland United Church of Christ. Daniel and I have both been shunned for over two years now. No one from the “faith community” we used to be members of, talks to us. Now that we have the website they no longer look smug and superior when we see them, now they look they just realized they have forgotten to put on their pants.
To my astonishment, this old friend flung her arms around me and said, “Oh L I miss you! I miss Daniel! I’m so worried because I want Daniel to play at my funeral and he won’t be able to.”
She continued, “If you could get kicked out, so could I!”
I agreed. “Yes, of course, you could. Christina has made a point of displaying her power to expel anyone she decides to hate.”
My dear old friend immediately began defending the church, her sentiments; you can’t expect anything of church people.
I find this perspective bizarre. What low self-esteem people must have to continue to attend a church to listen to a woman who is a documented pathological liar preach about Jesus?
My former friend and congregant is afraid of the leadership of her church. Because they make policies based on lies and depart radically from their stated “inclusive core values”. Lying about what the church is about is the new normal, it’s advertising. So there is nothing to trust at Ashland UCC. I know I keep saying that, but it bears repeating.
Because it’s stewardship time, time to raise the money to pay the Kukuks. Lots and lots of money. The theme of stewardship this year is: “Journey to Generosity - following the path of Jesus.”
How truly sad.
Rev. Kukuk is once again using Jesus to instruct the elder people of her church to give her money. I have no doubt that Jesus is horrified and would not give her a penny. It is mystifying why the people at Ashland UCC want her there, degrading their once decent church.
Here is an idea people, don’t make a pledge. Stand up for the dignity of your church and Christ and don’t support the Kukuk’s ministry.
Because if you google “corruption United Church of Christ”, this site comes up in first and second place! How is Rev. Kukuk really working for you?
Now instead of having the sterling reputation, the Ashland UCC used to have, word on the street is Ashland UCC is Corrupt and Abusive. Literally, there are fliers up around town.
I was thrilled to hear from a friend last month that she mentioned the corruption at Ashland UCC to a new co-worker and that co-worker had already heard about the ugly church from her neighbor.
This is the sad progress of "stewardship" here in Ashland.
In Jesus' third way,
~ L Citizen